Category: Smoky Mountains Book

The Smoky Mountain Book Arrives!

GSMNP Book Announcement

This afternoon we received the shipment of books from the printer, CS Graphics, of our new book Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes. We will start to ship out the pre-ordered books on Monday. Shipments to those stores which have ordered the books will also begin on Monday. Seems like it has been a long time in coming and now it is here! Pretty exciting when you launch a new book and a lot of work. We’ll be having a big release party in late August or early September – watch this space for information or email me and ask to be put on our list. You can purchase the book at!

GSMNP Book Announcement 2

Have a fun weekend folks!

The Presses are Rolling!

Today is Monday April 27, 2009 and in Singapore at CS Graphics the presses are rolling with my next book, Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty years of American Landscapes! There are many points in a process as involved as the making of a book where you stop and say to yourself – “This is pretty cool!” This is one of them. It is very cool to know that half way around the world there are people who are dedicated to making your book the best are working away on it, as they have for the past few months just to get to this point – ink on paper. So it is, underway.

Another of these moments came a few weeks ago when for the first time I wrapped the dust jacket around the dummy book they sent – a book that is the exact size and makeup of my finished book but without any printing. It is one thing to see the dust jacket on the screen as you put it all together, another to see it printed out, but the best so far is that first time you wrap the jacket around the book and put it down on a table. Voila! Your book – kind of.


So, while they toil away in Singapore printing the 220 pages and 246 images for this monograph of Great Smoky Mountains National Park maybe it is time you took advantage of our preorder pricing! You can view the book using the links below or purchase a copy for delivery in July at the advanced sales price!


And as an additional incentive if you use the Discount Coupon Code: MB01 when promted at check out we’ll give you an additional 10% off!


To See Inside the Book: GSMNP Book

To Purchase the Book: Quiet Light Publishing 




Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes

The Art of Editing

Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes 

For the last few months I have been hard at work editing the images for my next book Great Smoky Mountains National Park: Thirty Years of American Landscapes. Part of the process of course is editing your work, both in deciding what images to use in the book, and then in working with each image individually to achieve the best possible printed piece. While this later part is done in Photoshop – it is much like being in the darkroom and making sure the “print” you end up with is what you had pre-visualized in the field.

I recently was on a friends blog where he talked about editing film and how there was a space of time between when you took the image and when you finally had a chance to see the image in film form after processing. His thought was that the distance in time helped you make better decisions about the images because the emotion of the day when you shot it was not as fresh. There may be something to that, especially in the day of digital photography where folks tend to edit their work even while it is still in the camera! This is never, never to be done! How can you tell what it really looks like on a 2” low resolution screen? It’s great for making sure your close on the exposure – although the histogram is better – I would never delete an image based on what I see at that point. But I digress.


Having worked on images from over a thirty year time span I have found the same emotions, or at least ones close to them come streaming back as I look at the images. I happen to be able to remember almost everything about a photograph I have taken – too bad I can’t remember things like that in real life – but it makes it easier for me to remember what I wanted the photograph to say and thereby make the correct adjustments to an image. Creating an image which comes as close as possible to what I was feeling and intended the image to look like in the first place.


The hardest part of editing is deciding which images should make the grade and be in the book. An example is the cover shot. Because of its importance it also has some additional requirements which must be met. It has to pull people in, take it off the book store shelf and make them want to open the book. Therefore, I tend to look at the covers of similar books, in this case other photographic books on Great Smoky Mountains National Park. I do this because I don’t want my book to look like theirs. I look for an image which will say something about the book but also have a more artistic bend to it. I had a working cover image for a long time from a shot I really loved. But when all was said and done it did not make the grade. Another shot seemed to work better and had a more emotional pull for those who saw all three covers (hey we started with a lot more ideas but narrowed it down to three before subjecting folks to give their opinions).

GSMNP Book Cover - Choice #2

GSMNP Book Cover - Choice #3

I think in some ways, my friend might have been right about distance and time in editing at least in this case. I let go of an image I really liked and had an emotional attachment to. And now that I see the new cover image I like it even better than my first choice. So what is your opinion – let me know – I’d love to hear your opinions too!


